INDEX 2023
17.11.2023 – 20.11.2023
INDEX 2023 is an exhibition and event celebrating the work of graduating students from the Bachelor of Interior Design (Honours) and Master of Interior Design programs in the School of Architecture and Urban Design.
The exhibited works explore critical ideas, methods and approaches for contemporary interior design practice. Bachelor (Hons) students present a diverse collection of self-directed major projects, whilst students from the Master of Interior Design showcase industry-partnered group projects.
Image credit: Anh Tran, Otherworldly Mise-en-scène, 2023
- Friday November 17, 6-9pm (opening event)
- Saturday November 18, 12.30-5.00pm
- Monday November 20, 11.00 - 5.00pm
Location: RMIT Design Hub, Level 2, Building 100, Victoria St & Swanston St, Melbourne VIC 3000