29.08.2018 – 22.09.2018

Hello. Welcome to New Agency: Owning Your Future, a research platform by Sibling Architecture that investigated the future of dwelling through the lens of Australia’s ageing population.

Who do you wish to grow old with? Will your house outlive you? What kind of ancestor do you want to be? What will your future housing look like?

Over four weeks, New Agency transformed Design Hub Gallery into a live research platform; gathering data, public conversations, design speculation and feedback about what constitutes home ownership during the later stages of life. As the retirement of Australians relies upon the asset of the family home (with superannuation), and as home ownership is becoming an impossibility for a huge swathe of younger Australians, how does this influence future models of living for the elderly, including financing aged care, retirement and intergenerational wealth? What can we learn from upwardly mobile grey nomads, multi-generational living or enclaves of like-minded people? A dataset of trends, interviews and a troika of interactive activity chambers – for reading, listening and talking – provoked thinking around these topical questions.

Curated and Designed by Sibling Architecture

Graphic Design by Lloyd-Mst

RMIT Design Hub Gallery Team: Kate Rhodes, Nella Themelios, Erik North, Tim McLeod, Layla Cluer, Michaela Bear, Ari Sharp, Simon Maisch, Gavin Bell, Jessica Wood, Robert Jordan, Síofra Lyons, Ian Bunyi, Luke Garrett, Luke Pringipas

Research by Sibling Architecture for this exhibition was supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria’s Creators Fund.